Natural Choice For You
Traditional Naturopathy and Yoga - Committed to helping people heal themselves


Natural Choice For You TM offers a natural and customized approach to health maintenance and therapy, integrating traditional naturopathy with herbs, yoga and oriental medicine principles.

The basic approach in natural therapy is to allow the body to heal itself. Unlike Western medicine, that treats the symptoms, in naturopathy we try to find the    
underlying cause and address it. Symptoms are the external manifestation of a 
disease. Treating only the symptoms only takes care of the external part of the 
disease. The naturopathic approach is different, trying to address healing from inside out, looking for the inner cause and strengthening the body, supporting its natural efforts to overcome the disease.

Natural Choice For You TM is run by Angie Shapira, Traditional Naturopath and Certified Yoga Teacher.  

Angie is a strong believer in the body's natural ability to heal itself. She helps people increase their vitality, bring their bodies back to balance, and find the path to natural health. Based on her knowledge and experience in the field, Angie will analyze and discuss your nutrition and lifestyle, suggest appropriate changes and help you implement them.